Wowhaus Haps

Things are heating up at wowhaus as our studio compound shapes up and we take on more projects:

  • MIX, our bicycle-powered composter (see above video) is part of the show Terroir: A Sense of Place curated by Patricia Watts, opening at Art at the Cheese Factory, March 20th- June 21st in Petaluma, CA. Hope to see you there!
  • Our Wowhaus Vacation Rental and Studio Retreat will be opening to the public this April. Please come for a visit!

We also have three concurrent public art projects in fabrication, including:

  • Oakland Fusion, a four-panel, lenticular mural depicting textile patterns of Oakland’s major ethnic groups, to be installed at Jack London Square in Oakland this spring.
  • A menagerie of imaginary bronze creatures to be installed at the newly renovated Sunnyside Conservatory in San Francisco this summer.
  • Wishing Wands, three giant steel and crystal ‘dandelions’ to be installed at Berryessa Creek Park in San Jose this summer.

Please stay tuned as I post updates of our progress and installations. We’d love to see you if you want to swing by for a studio visit to see the work in progress!


Sap Moon


The March full moon is sometimes called the sap moon, in reference to sap beginning to flow through trees again. It’s also called the worm moon, to acknowledge the sudden presence of worm casings on the ground.

Windsor Longboard Lives



My first Windsor Longboard experimental deck is a head-turner. My friends at Quinn Brothers Board Shop in Sebastopol, CA took to the ‘uber old school’ spirit and helped me rock the deck with super wide trucks and generic wheels; note the ‘rasta’ bolt heads, the board’s only fanfare. After some road testing I plan to make a limited production run to test market, beginning with local board shops and the GOODS pages of this site.


Aili will help road test the first deck

The Week in Bloom


carved cupboard in the kitchen at Fort Ross

Our friend Allison Smith came up for the weekend and we journeyed up the coast to see Fort Ross as research for a potential site-specific commission on our land this summer.  Allison is one of my favorite artists; we met when she helped with the construction of the Lightning House at Mildred’s Lane, and she recently accepted a professorship at California College of the Arts. We toured the 1810 Russian settlement, watched migrating whales spout from a bluff overlooking the Pacific, picnicked on tuna and ginger ale, and noticed these new blooms as we walked and talked along the bluff: Continue reading “The Week in Bloom”

Interview with Anthony Bevilacqua


I’m continuing to feature an ongoing series of interviews and studio visits with other makers/artisans/crafters. If you would like to introduce yourself and your work to a growing Deep Craft network, I invite you to visit the PARTICIPATE page of this site. Meanwhile, allow me to introduce you to Anthony Bevilacqua, painter/gilder. Continue reading “Interview with Anthony Bevilacqua”

Windsor Longboard Shapes Up


My prototype Windsor Longboard is nearing completion.  I shaped the outer contours with my favorite Italian-made, mini spokeshaves. I have a set of three but use the one pictured above for almost everything- its rockered base allows for the most delicate control. Over the weekend I plan to mount trucks and wheels and test its performance.