Lakeside Green Streets Research

lake merritt community process

Ene and Aili chat it up with local residents on the shores of Lake Merritt.

We’ve been spending a lot of time roaming the shores of Oakland’s Lake Merritt as we enter the research phase of our public art commission for the City of Oakland’s Lakeside Green Streets initiative. Our project is to be integrated into the landscape plan somewhere in the vicinity of 20th Street where it approaches Lakeside Drive, part of which involves the conversion of the waterfront block of 20th Street into a pedestrian promenade. Ene and I are excited to be working with DCE Planning, who have developed an inspiring landscape plan that combines classic, city park design with ecologically sophisticated structures and plantings.

Wowhaus public projects always commence with a series of improvised community charrettes, where we meet with random samplings of people who represent our target audience. We usually have a survey prepared and visual references to encourage conversation, but mostly we just talk to folks, see what’s on their minds about the neighborhood, the city, the state of the world. Sometimes we stumble into new territory to develop as we advance our project, but most often we find evidence that our thinking is on the right track. The results of this process help us to make a strong case for our proposal, while assuring its successful reception by the community.

Deep Craft Atelier Week 2

Click here to learn more about Deep Craft Atelier, a pop-up store at Storefront Lab.

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Kids love Lawrence labianca’s toy boats. (©

We spent another lively Saturday hosting Deep Craft Atelier for the second of three weeks at Storefront Lab in San Francisco’s Mission District. Guest Chef Cal Peternell of Chez Panisse grilled delicious chapati flatbreads served up with fresh veggie chutney and yogurt. Gabriel Russo spent the day sewing Deep Jerseys in the space and even measured a few people for custom orders. We were especially blessed to have photographer Hans Kiotek documenting the day, whose splendid images appear throughout this post. Please join us this Saturday for our final Public Saturday, 10-4 pm, with food by Leif Hedendal 2-4 pm.

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© Continue reading “Deep Craft Atelier Week 2”

Sand Patterns 11

Click here to learn more about Deep Craft Atelier, a pop-up store at Storefront Lab.




white pelicans

white pelicans

Sand Patterns 10

Deep Craft Atelier Opens at Storefront Lab

storefrontlab post

Click here to see more images of Deep Craft Atelier at Storefront Lab.

I’m so excited to open Deep Craft Atelier to the public tomorrow, Saturday, 10-4PM at Storefront Lab, 337 Shotwell in San Francisco’s Mission District. It’s been a fun and challenging week making product on site and getting the space ready so I have not had time to post any updates. Fortunately, my friend Yosh Asato of Storefront Lab has been tracking our progress, so please refer to her recent post here for the latest images. I hope to post a detailed synopsis of the project over the the duration of the project over the next two weeks. Please stay tuned and stop by if you’re in the neighborhood.

Tsuru Patina

Click here to learn more about Deep Craft Atelier, a pop-up store at Storefront Lab.

tsuru patina12

After receiving a bright patina with dark recesses, the bronze is ready to be waxed.

One of the greatest challenges working in bronze is having to manipulate one medium, like clay or wood, to achieve a desired effect in another, often with great spans of time and intricate processes in between. While sculpting the original crane form for our Tsuru Project in wood, I was thinking how the surface texture would look cast in bronze. You can imagine my delight when I finally got a glimpse of the completed sculpture as the patina was being applied by Artworks Foundry in Berkeley. Over six months has lapsed since I carved the original and it’s now ready to be integrated into the landscape at the new Ralph L Carr Justice Center in Denver, surrounded by granite pavings and benches of our own design.

It certainly would have been easier to build the original sculpture in foam or clay, but I wanted its surface to complement my idealized, somewhat primitive depiction of the whooping crane, a symbol of justice and independence in many cultures throughout human history. Though naturalistic in its posture and siting, I want the sculpture to have the iconic presence of devotional sculpture from the ancient world. Continue reading “Tsuru Patina”

Deep Deck Developments

Click here to learn more about Deep Craft Atelier, a pop-up store at Storefront Lab.

truck jig

I designed a portable, adjustable-length hole-drilling jig for mounting trucks to decks.

I’ve been having fun making my first production run of Deep Deck longboards in Jupiter, my hydraulic press, whose crushing force shapes camber and concavities in veneers of elm, black walnut and acacia. I love when production runs give me a chance to invent specific jigs and fixtures, and I’m getting ready to try out my new truck hole-drilling jig in anticipation of my Deep Craft Atelier project at Storefront Lab.

The jig is the latest development in my line of portable tools to make skateboard decks at remote sites in anticipation of a series of pop-up stores in the SF Bay Area and along the West Coast. Consisting of two identical blocks of 3/4″ thick aluminum, threaded along standard 3/8″ diameter all-thread, the jig allows for an adjustable wheelbase, and serves as a template for drilling mounting holes for standard trucks using a hand drill.

Click here to read more about the development of the Deep Deck longboard.