Watershed Morphology Workshop

representations of water from across time and cultures How do we indicate water, let alone its increasing significance in maintaining the fabric of a healthy urban watershed? As we prepare a final design for the City of Oakland’s system of Watershed Markers, Ene and I will spend the weekend at farmer’s markets and major pedestrian […]

Kohler Arts Center Residency

Sheboygan, Wisconsin Ene and I (wowhaus) have been invited to be artists in residence at the Kohler Arts Center Connecting Communities program over the coming year. We plan to realize a project with focus on human-powered transportation and have been researching the city’s rich past and progressive plans for modeling the potential for a ‘green’ […]

The Week in Bloom

A freak thunderstorm over the weekend jolted the late summer halo, bringing cooler, moister air with more than a hint of autumn. The gardens are yielding the last and brightest of their fruits, and in the Ernsts’ woods where we cut firewood, waxy chestnuts are weighing down the branches. strongyloides pcr post ivermectin The air […]

Wishing Wands Installed

two of the three Wishing Wand sculptures tower over Berryessa Creek Park in San Jose Ene and I completed the installation of our Wishing Wand sculptures at Berryessa Creek Park in San Jose yesterday, mounting the ‘seed heads’ to the stainless steel posts. Overcast skies do not do justice to the sparkly crystals, and we […]

Wishing Wands

One of three ‘seed heads’ of stainless steel and crystal, fabricated by Jeff McCann After a year of planning with the City of San Jose’s Public Art Program, we’re excited to be finally installing our Wishing Wands sculptures at Berryessa Creek Park. The latest Wowhaus project consists of three 12′ high sculptures depicting ‘dandelions’ in […]


Ene and I will be speaking at this year’s Bioneers Conference at the Marin Civic Center, October 15-19, 2009. We have been invited to “present an in-process, imagined work of art inspired by a breaking environmental news story” along with fellow ‘eco-artists’ Susan Leibovitz Steinman, Anne Katrin Spiess, Doug Buis, Susanne Cockrell, and Ted Purves. […]


polishing the Dining Commons tables at MLK Jr Middle School in Berkeley You might be surprised to find well-polished, handmade wooden furniture in a public middle school dining commons, let alone any lunch to serve upon it. You might be equally surprised that the tables, benches and stools of Martin Luther King Jr Middle School […]