Clifford E Martin and the Stanley #57

  Original patent drawing of the Core Box Plane, Stanley #57 For reasons beyond my grasp, my mother’s side of the family has always been somewhat shrouded in mystery. It was often a challenge to parse reality from myth in her stories, and in truth the two were often interchangeable. True, her mother tamed foundling […]

Reconsidering Shellac

Shellac is a natural by-product of the lac beetle’s secretions. Like so many craftsy kids who grew up in the 60’s and 70’s, I had my own rock polisher, a wood-burning set, access to my dad’s tools, collections of yarn and twine, old National Geographics, mucelage, rubber cement and shellac, and a basement, attic and […]

Furnishing Healdsburg Shed

Early sketch of my Shed Cafe Chair concept. I think of the new line of furniture I designed for Shed as belonging to the same extended family. Consisting of just four unique pieces- a café chair, a barstool, a ‘community’ table and a multi-use, ‘demonstration’ table, the line evolved slowly over the past two years, […]

Milling the Black Acacia

I took advantage of a break in the storms to mill two black acacia logs with my friend Shawn Gavin. One of the logs had unusually wide sapwood and neither had many branches, so we boule cut them both at 5/4″, leaving live edges. The logs were still pretty green but had been sitting for […]

Deep Craft Atelier Opens at Storefront Lab

Click here to see more images of Deep Craft Atelier at Storefront Lab. I’m so excited to open Deep Craft Atelier to the public tomorrow, Saturday, 10-4PM at Storefront Lab, 337 Shotwell in San Francisco’s Mission District. It’s been a fun and challenging week making product on site and getting the space ready so I […]

Deep Deck Developments

Click here to learn more about Deep Craft Atelier, a pop-up store at Storefront Lab. I designed a portable, adjustable-length hole-drilling jig for mounting trucks to decks. I’ve been having fun making my first production run of Deep Deck longboards in Jupiter, my hydraulic press, whose crushing force shapes camber and concavities in veneers of […]