our own freshly harvested Comice pears (Pyrus communis) After pressing the majority of our Bartlett pears into cider, some of which we combined with the juice of ripe Roma apples, we made a point of reserving our delicious Comice pears for eating raw. The large pear has the juiciest, creamiest fruit, and its flavors combine […]
Tag Archives: phenology
The Week in Bloom
stacks of cedar dry in the warm September air I counted five Kestrel perched along barbed wire as I wound down Marshall-Petaluma Road towards Tomales Bay from Evan Shively’s mill. I had been inspecting the deodar cedar (Cedrus deodara) Evan milled for my latest interior design commission, and I was delighted to find the fragrant […]
The Week in Bloom
A freak thunderstorm over the weekend jolted the late summer halo, bringing cooler, moister air with more than a hint of autumn. The gardens are yielding the last and brightest of their fruits, and in the Ernsts’ woods where we cut firewood, waxy chestnuts are weighing down the branches. strongyloides pcr post ivermectin The air […]
The Week in Bloom
After more than three years on the land we’re getting a better feel for the rhythm of the garden and the fruit trees and have successfully stocked the larder with treats for the rainy season to come. Working with friends and neighbors, we’ve harvested and pressed all of our Gravensteins, which yielded about 20 gallons […]
Vicis Vigio
the unique Red Gravenstein, just picked and ready for the press I never thought I needed a motto, but Vicis Vigio, which translates loosely as ‘Week in Bloom’, appears to suffice. I’ve become interested in the notion of mottos because they tend to go along with things that have lasted the ages, from heraldry to […]
The Week in Bloom
“There’s nothing that keeps its youth, So far as I know, but a tree and truth.” -Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Deacon’s Masterpiece, 1858 After last year’s bumper crop of apples and the disarmingly early drop of the Gravensteins, we vowed to do our best not to let any go to waste this season. Our Gravensteins […]
The Week in Bloom
The King, or Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) travels over 500 miles into the most remote reaches of Northeastern Oregon, where it spawns in springtime in small tributaries like Hurricane Creek. The hatchlings then return to the ocean, following the creek to the Wallowa River, which joins the Grande Ronde before it converges with the Minam, […]