Fluke Opening Ceremony in Santa Cruz

Fluke presides over the crowd at the new Monterey Bay Exploration Center. Yesterday evening’s opening ceremony honoring our Fluke project at the new Monterey Bay Exploration Center in Santa Cruz was proof positive to Ene and me that this has been our most rewarding public project to date. It has been privilege enough to realize […]

Fluke Site Progress

The Diamond D crew builds forms for our curvaceous hardscape. (photo: D Pettigrew) Ene and I recently made two site visits to Santa Cruz to inspect form-work for the hardscape beneath our Fluke sculpture at the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Exploration Center. Our bronze whale tail sculpture will sit at the edge of a […]

Fluke Patina

Aiya created a beautiful patina for our Fluke sculpture at Berkeley’s Artworks Foundry Ene and I met with Aiya at Berkeley’s Artworks Foundry to inspect the patina she’s been layering up on our Fluke sculpture before it’s sealed and delivered to Santa Cruz for installation. While the patina will be maintained by the Monterey Bay […]

Capitola Project

colorful condos characterize Capitola, where Soquel Creek drains to Monterey Bay Ene and I spent the other day exploring the seaside town of Capitola, CA, where wowhaus are finalists in a public art competition. Situated where Soquel Creek drains to Monterey Bay just below Santa Cruz, the town is known as the oldest beach resort […]