three of eight Space Chairs for Becoming Independent, ready for finishing I’ve really enjoyed collaborating with artists with developmental disabilities in the design of my Space Chairs for the new playroom at Becoming Independent (BI) in Santa Rosa. The eight chairs are made from locally-milled Monterey Cypress, and their backs frame panels lovingly painted by […]
Tag Archives: furniture design
A Chair for Mildred’s Lane
I made this sketch of a sixteenth century dining chair I saw at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The chair is thought to be either English or Scandinavian in origin, and we did see many like it at folk museums last summer while traveling around Norway and Estonia. The type is well suited for production […]
Ted Boerner
Ted at our recent ‘Glazing Bee’ on the wowhaus compound I recently spent a lively evening in San Francisco with my good friend Ted Boerner. Ted is an influential taste-maker in furniture and interior design, as well as a devoted fan of Deep Craft. We’ve had an ongoing conversation for years about many things, including […]