Makkeweks Progress

The Makkeweks sea monster sculpture upside down, roughed out in stack-laminated cork No matter the depth of scientific knowledge there will always be monsters. You don’t have to look very hard to find them. Politics, industry and information technology are a few obvious breeding grounds. I’ve been thinking a lot about monsters as I begin […]

Made in Jupiter

‘Jupiter’, my recently completed hydraulic press, forms two Deep Deck blanks at a time. I first started calling my new hydraulic press ‘Jupiter’ when I was forming up the concrete blocks, knowing its compressive force would exceed that of the planet Jupiter, whose gravitational pull is about three times that of Earth’s. The planet Jupiter […]

Banff DM2020, Days 2 and 3

The view outside Kinnear 205, where we spent the majority of the past two days Through an orchestrated frenzy of oversized multi-colored post-its, flip books, breakout sessions, brain dumps and debate, we managed to deliver some valuable data and shed light on potential future scenarios for the role of Digital Media Research at the Banff […]

Micro-Expedition, Sessions 8 and 9

Jack and Willey broke out the hand planes to joint a long stringer of Sitka spruce The boats are shaping up and the students are getting fired up for our journey next month. Here’s a little gallery from the past two weeks of Micro-Expedition, the Atelier Studio I am teaching this semester at CCA as […]

Micro-Expedition, Session 2

I made a 1/4 scale model of the ‘surfboat’ I’ve been studying to use as inspiration for the class. The design represents a type of hull that performs well and is easy to build, requiring no ‘building jig’. The frame for the boat is built off of the main ‘deck batten’, laid upside down on […]