Indian Summer

Indian Summer Walking through town in Nederland Colorado at the peak of Indian Summer at 8500 feet above sea level, sky clear to the ozone, aspen trees acid yellow against the dissolving charcoal/green breaking moray of tapering evergreen and purple beetle-kill, the mundane smells of everyday life at midday- creosote, food frying, mingling with wild […]

A September Ritual

Each fall I sweep the dry duff off of our funky barn roof before the Dampness ensues One of my September rituals has been clearing the corrugated roof of our funky back barn. The rambling, open-air structure is an explosion of three dissimilar building concepts, fused together with the oddball valleys and warped pitches of […]

Five Levels

I’ve tried to map the five levels of consciousness detected during lucid dreams I don’t normally lend much weight to dreams, but for the past couple of years I’ve been having a randomly recurring type of dream, where whatever the action, I suddenly become aware of myself dreaming, and can make things happen, like flying. […]

Pear Harvest

Stored in a cool place, these freshly picked pears will ripen in a few days. “There are only ten minutes in the life of a pear when it is perfect to eat.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson We’ve been harvesting our pears in phases over the past week; the fruit seems to ripen unevenly on our […]

Wowhaus Safari

I love this tiny ‘Carpenter’s Gothic’ cottage along the railroad tracks in St. Helena Whenever Ene and I are feeling cagey and uninspired, we like to seek out the unexplored edges of where we live, sometimes just to see what’s changed after our last visit, having now lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for […]

Pencil Panic

Front and back of my last box of Blue Band Velevet #5572 As a daily comfort I prefer quality, vintage pencils, which I use in the course of drawing, writing and working with wood. I’m in a bit of a panic, down to my last box of Blue Band Velvets, manufactured by the American Lead […]

Dream Shop

I recently completed a new deck at the entry to my dedicated, 20′ x 30′ wood shop After over five years developing our rural home and studio on the Sonoma Coast, the constant challenge has been to both maintain and improve our facilities to meet the increasing scope and scale of our projects, while optimizing […]