Wowhaus video

When Kirsten Dirksen, founder of, visited our studio compound this past winter to talk about wowhaus, Deep Craft and House of Tree, I had no idea she’d produce a trilogy of mini-documentaries about each. I was even a little worried our rambling conversation over the course of an afternoon was too far-ranging to make […]

Simple Seating for Complex Combos

Simple Stool, Simple Chair, for Healdsburg Shed. I always loved how in comic books when the hero was going through a challenge the thought bubble above his head would have cropped, choppy sentences, in italics, narrating the thought process behind the struggle. Going for extreme simplicity as I continue to design and prototype seating and […]

An Argument for Simplicity

As artisans we’re often compelled to make things that last, for obvious reasons. If the thing is functional we don’t want out efforts to be wasted; we want the functionality to remain in tact over time, hopefully adding to a thing’s value. If a thing is purely aesthetic, we want its beauty and meaning to […]


A barn full of beautiful wood, carefully laid up to dry, is better than money in the bank. I’ve never really studied economic theory, but imagine there’s an odd relationship/kinship between miserliness and greed. ivermectin tablets for sale online Suffice it to say I learned firsthand over the past week how one might give way […]

Learning from Sand Patterns

A section of the texture I’ve been carving into my crane sculpture. I’ve learned a lot from studying sand patterns at the beach over the past few months. I’m always astounded at how such beautiful formations result from the erosive interactions of just a handful of elements- the density of different sands, slope of the […]

Scanning the Horizon

The first storms hit after the driest stretch of winter on record. Pounding surf and driving rain have obliterated the intricate sand patterns and frothy backlit lines of foam at my favorite beach, and I find myself scanning the horizon as I hike the shore, wary of sneaker waves but thrilled by the prospect. Projects […]