Tsuru Update

the great white egret flock in the marshes around Bodega Harbor as they migrate south The Dungeness crab season officially opened in Bodega Bay over the past weekend and the beaches have been teeming with life just after dawn- fishing boats on the bay, surfers on the south swell, pelicans skimming cresting waves, geese wedging […]

Fog Studies 1

Fog Study 1 Fog Study 2 Fog Study 3 Fog Study 4 Sand Pattern 1 Sand Pattern 2 Apart from the redwoods, who loom at silent attention, the fog is the most distinguishing feature of our stretch of coastline. I think of the fog as redwood’s muse, a gargantuan creature, shy but willful, overly self-conscious, […]

Abundance Unveiled

Our two glass mosaic fish sculptures glisten in the early morning haze at the new Ortega Branch of the SF Public Library Wowhaus was honored yesterday when our Abundance project was officially unveiled to the public at the opening of the new Ortega Branch of the San Francisco Public Library near Ocean Beach. Commissioned by […]

Flotsam of the Day

Two views of an unidentified bone, presumably from a large fish or a sea mammal While running on the beach early this morning I was surprised to find a large, C-shaped bone in the sand, measuring about 8″ x 4″. My first thought was that it resembled part of a skate, a familiar inhabitant of […]