The Simple Chair Revisited

My latest Simple Chair prototype is ready for presentation. Following some welcome critique with the client I’ve modified the design of my Simple Chair and made a new prototype. The new chair is a little wider, with a slightly taller backrest, more mortised joints, beefier legs and wider but skinnier components, all realized in white […]

Made in Jupiter

‘Jupiter’, my recently completed hydraulic press, forms two Deep Deck blanks at a time. I first started calling my new hydraulic press ‘Jupiter’ when I was forming up the concrete blocks, knowing its compressive force would exceed that of the planet Jupiter, whose gravitational pull is about three times that of Earth’s. The planet Jupiter […]

Deep Craft video

I’m proud to post the final episode of Kirsten Dirksen’s three part documentary she filmed in one day this past winter when she was visiting from Barcelona, home base for her company, This is my favorite one and I think it does a wonderful job of presenting the core of my Deep Craft philosophy. […]

Wowhaus video

When Kirsten Dirksen, founder of, visited our studio compound this past winter to talk about wowhaus, Deep Craft and House of Tree, I had no idea she’d produce a trilogy of mini-documentaries about each. I was even a little worried our rambling conversation over the course of an afternoon was too far-ranging to make […]

Simple Seating for Complex Combos

Simple Stool, Simple Chair, for Healdsburg Shed. I always loved how in comic books when the hero was going through a challenge the thought bubble above his head would have cropped, choppy sentences, in italics, narrating the thought process behind the struggle. Going for extreme simplicity as I continue to design and prototype seating and […]

Goat Barn for the Edible Schoolyard

I designed my 118 SF  barn to accommodate three Oberhaslis goats in comfort. I’ve been having a lot of fun designing a tiny barn to house three Oberhaslis goats for the Edible Schoolyard in Berkeley. The project is just a schematic concept thus far, but will not require much more design if I get the […]

Accidental Seascapes #1 & #2

Accidental Seascapes #1 and #2, 45″ x 11.5″ each, plywood, WD-40, cement-all. Removing the forms from my Deep Deck mold, I was surprised and delighted to find two accidental seascapes emerge on the plywood sides that were in contact with the curing concrete. I sprayed the boards with WD-40 as a release agent before making […]