
Ene and Scott, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in 1988, pre-Wowhaus Welcome to Deepcraft.org. I no longer maintain this site as a weblog, but keep it up as an archive of my design thinking, and as documentation of making things, particularly Wowhaus public projects between 2008-2014. To learn more about the origins of this experimental site, please […]

Procedural Style: Parametric Emergence, Part 1

Wowhaus grew out of our ongoing conversations, beginning when we met in 1988 Ene and I never thought of Wowhaus as a style. We always framed it more as a way of life. But over the years as we’ve realized such a broad range of projects in such wide-ranging media and locales, a kind of […]

Spinnradl Update

2 custom music boxes with 20″ D drums, made in Switzerland by Reuge (phote: Reuge) Next week I travel to Cincinnati to supervise the assembly and installation of our Spinnradl sculptures, which were commissioned last year by Artworks Cincinnati.  It’s very exciting to see all of the pieces falling into place. I can hardly believe […]

Makkeweks Progress Gallery

Sculpting the eyes of the monster has been the biggest challenge, so I saved that task for last. The eyes carry the expression and are the only crisp-edged, anatomically-specific feature of the sculpture, so they are where a viewer’s eyes would naturally be drawn. The monster’s eyes need to reinforce the gesture of the body […]