Simple Seating for Complex Combos

Simple Stool, Simple Chair, for Healdsburg Shed. I always loved how in comic books when the hero was going through a challenge the thought bubble above his head would have cropped, choppy sentences, in italics, narrating the thought process behind the struggle. Going for extreme simplicity as I continue to design and prototype seating and […]

House of Tree video

I’m very grateful to Kirsten Dirksen for making such an elegant little documentary about my House of Tree project, which she recently posted on her website, When she contacted me over the winter holidays about wanting to interview me about Deep Craft, wowhaus and House of Tree, I had not visited her website or […]

Goat Barn for the Edible Schoolyard

I designed my 118 SF  barn to accommodate three Oberhaslis goats in comfort. I’ve been having a lot of fun designing a tiny barn to house three Oberhaslis goats for the Edible Schoolyard in Berkeley. The project is just a schematic concept thus far, but will not require much more design if I get the […]

Accidental Seascapes #1 & #2

Accidental Seascapes #1 and #2, 45″ x 11.5″ each, plywood, WD-40, cement-all. Removing the forms from my Deep Deck mold, I was surprised and delighted to find two accidental seascapes emerge on the plywood sides that were in contact with the curing concrete. I sprayed the boards with WD-40 as a release agent before making […]

Deep Deck Mold

The two-part concrete mold is released from the plywood form. I’m building a hydraulic press to make cold-molded skateboard decks in anticipation of scaling up my production and capabilities. The first step is to build a form around a wooden ‘blank’ to support an investment of cast concrete. I took some time to make a […]

Hayride Revisited

My Hayride bench sits on top of a straw bale for outdoor events. It’s been close to ten years since I designed and prototyped my Hayride bench concept. The first batch was commissioned for the Children’s Garden at Copia, a cultural and educational venue in Napa. I’ve since made small batches of the design, improving […]

Ulmus Americana 3-22-12

My boards measure 44″L x 9.5″W, cupped and cambered, with a slightly lifted pintail. I recently finished another small batch of my Deep Deck longboards in American Elm. The design has taken about three years of prototyping to perfect, and is proving popular with a wide range of riders, from street cruisers to downhill carvers. […]