Ultralight Treepod

Spending time among trees helps in my thinking as I develop a portable, ultralight treepod to use as a dwelling during my residency at Mildred’s Lane. Like a folding kayak, the unit would disassemble, packing into two backpacks to be brought to remote sites. The treepod would have integral solar panels on the roof, and […]

Among the Redwoods

Sequoia sempervirens Spending time among the Northern California coastal redwoods can be equally inspiring and disquieting. The trees have a presence that exceeds their scale in both time and space. The forests are supremely silent, supporting little habitat for creatures that produce sound. how often can you give ivermectin to dogs The redwoods exude a […]

The Week in Bloom

Ene and I hiked through the forest, along Willow Creek to the coast. Usually a gushing torrent this time of year, the creek was a barely audible gurlge beneath the mossy bays and redwood. Along the way,we spotted many new wild blossoms, including several that we could not identify. Please let me know if you […]

Handstone Family

Over the years I’ve been collecting stones of a particular shape on local beaches, particularly during winter months when storms pull away the blanket of sand. Stones of this shape are rare but seem to represent an ideal, one that most beach stones tend towards, given local conditions. The stones fit snugly in the hand […]

Mildred’s Lane

Drawing by Mark Dion, from the Mildred’s Lane website  I’m beginning to prepare for a residency at Mildred’s Lane this summer, described below on the Mildred’s Lane website: Session 2.09 June 23- July 9, 2009 THE LAND Artists-in-Residence to date: Scott Constable, Mark Dion, Jeffrey Jenkins, Athena Kokoronis, J. Morgan Puett, James Prosek, Boris Richter, […]

River Delta Genius

Though in decline in practice across the world, the patterns of seasonal subsistance still capture the imagination, evidenced in this image from the Sacramento River Delta, culled from the archives of the Department of Fish and Game. I’m interested in reviving this scale of self-sufficiency. * _uacct = “UA-4252294-1”; urchinTracker();