Rural Flaneur

  I’m becoming a rural flaneur. Between projects I roam around meadows and forests, between the river and the beach, noticing things and making connections, looking for trends. The challenge will be to align my projects with these seasonal wanderings, to align my inner state with my surroundings, which I see as an ideal state […]

Holly Berry

The new year brought the early return of the robins (Erithacus rubecula), who swarmed our holly trees and stripped them of berries over the past week. The birds seem to prefer this variegated variety, which I have not yet been able to identify. ivermectin-pyrantel- generic to heartgard plus 12 months ivomec for cows The berries […]

Haptic Holidays

If this holiday season is any indication, we’re beginning to see a backlash in values brought on by the worsening economy. People everywhere are simplifying, getting together and willing public celebrations into being as an antidote to the collective breath-holding pending the transition of power in Washington and all of its perilous promise. Our family’s […]

A Donkey and a Dumptruck

What do ‘Pepe’ the donkey and the baby blue dump truck have in common? They’re both about the same age for starters. They also both inhabit the same 120 acres of mixed forest, meadow and orchard owned by our friends Richard and Lisa Ernst just outside of Occidental. Richard grew up in San Francisco and […]

Berry’s Sawmill

Part of my ongoing experiment here is to develop high quality, low cost furniture from local materials for a local market.  I recently paid a visit to Berry’s Sawmill near Cazadero to check out their operation and inventory and was delighted to find an authentic, family-run mill cutting sustainable yield redwood and Douglas fir from […]