my new banjo is a cherry condition, 1975 Iida, made in Japan, with an aluminum body I bought a new banjo today as a tribute to Warren Hellman, who passed away late yesterday. My family was lucky to get to know Warren around the time he formed the band The Wronglers with Ene’s sister and […]
Category Archives: all
Foam Studies 4
Deep Deck Developments
A triad of Deep Deck longboards in American elm, ready for trucks and wheels I’ve been making small batches of my Deep Deck longboard in the background of other projects in the shop, laying up a new deck each day, trimming, sanding and finishing the previous day’s cured laminations. Making decks at this scale has […]
Foam Studies 3
Tsuru Update: Carving the Crane
My 9′ wooden crane sculpture shapes up in the studio. One of the reasons I opted to carve the giant crane for our Tsuru Project in wood is that I get truer contours when shaping grain; there’s a dialogue between the material and the form and the shape just emerges as I slowly shave away […]
Foam Studies 2
Shed Tabletop Installed
The completed Demonstration Table is just over 14′ long Yesterday I installed the top to my Demonstation Table for Shed. The table will spend the next year in Cindy’s studio warehouse in Healdsburg while the building is under construction nearby. By this time, the stickered wood comprising the base will be dry, and turned into […]