Capitola Project

colorful condos characterize Capitola, where Soquel Creek drains to Monterey Bay Ene and I spent the other day exploring the seaside town of Capitola, CA, where wowhaus are finalists in a public art competition. Situated where Soquel Creek drains to Monterey Bay just below Santa Cruz, the town is known as the oldest beach resort […]

Whirligig Over Doran

Walking our favorite local beach after a New Years Day gathering, Ene and I happened upon an odd young couple standing in the dunes, staring off into the distance, oblivious of their immediate surroundings. The guy was wearing what looked like ‘virtual reality’ goggles, and was manipulating a box studded with meters and toggles. His […]


Salt marshes flanking Bodega Harbor at dawn Since my mom passed away last spring I’ve been thinking about havens, having lost one so abruptly. The word ‘haven’ stems from the Old English ‘hafen’, a harbor, with deeper roots in the Germanic ‘haftjam’, to have or to hold, which also yields the words handle, hawk and […]