The Diamond D crew builds forms for our curvaceous hardscape. (photo: D Pettigrew) Ene and I recently made two site visits to Santa Cruz to inspect form-work for the hardscape beneath our Fluke sculpture at the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Exploration Center. Our bronze whale tail sculpture will sit at the edge of a […]
Category Archives: all
Gabriel’s Indigo Jacket
Indigo Jacket by Gabriel Russo I love the Indigo Jacket by my good pal Gabriel Russo, especially its ‘ghost pocket’. Gabriel sews and dyes these himself and each one is unique. Check out Gabriel’s wonderful website and blog to learn more about his thinking and process behind the jacket and other textile constructions. Gabriel’s work […]
Destination: Boredom
Sure enough, I saw a few egret and chased a flock of bufflehead six miles to the coast when I paddled the navigable length of Estero Americano the other day, but saw no sign of coot, loon, mergenser, pelican, scaup, hawk, heron or grebe. The fact is mid-February is a relatively dormant time along the […]
Foam Studies 6
Tsuru Progress
My wooden crane sculpture is ready to be cast in bronze at Berkeley’s Artworks Foundry I spent the past two days at Artworks Foundry putting final touches on my crane sculpture for our Tsuru project. After permanently connecting the 9′ wingspan to the 8′ body, I focused on patching seams, shaping final contours and finessing […]
Sand Patterns 6
Learning from Sand Patterns
A section of the texture I’ve been carving into my crane sculpture. I’ve learned a lot from studying sand patterns at the beach over the past few months. I’m always astounded at how such beautiful formations result from the erosive interactions of just a handful of elements- the density of different sands, slope of the […]