Furniture for Becoming Independent

concept sketch of the Space Chair for Becoming Independent I’ve been commissioned to design tables and chairs for the youth of Becoming Independent, most of whom have developmental disabilities of varying degree. The seating structures will be used in a new playroom that doubles as a space for observation and evaluation, so the tables and […]

The Quiet Mechanics of Country Life

Here the soils of daily washing stay on the land, conveyed by gravity through pipes to the leach fields to join the earth of the tree duff, filtering fresh rainfall to replenish the dwelling well. Meanwhile the ferrous field well spews rustily over the garden, adding a mineral edge to the lusty bite of a […]

The Week in Bloom

A freak thunderstorm over the weekend jolted the late summer halo, bringing cooler, moister air with more than a hint of autumn. The gardens are yielding the last and brightest of their fruits, and in the Ernsts’ woods where we cut firewood, waxy chestnuts are weighing down the branches. strongyloides pcr post ivermectin The air […]

Wishing Wands

One of three ‘seed heads’ of stainless steel and crystal, fabricated by Jeff McCann After a year of planning with the City of San Jose’s Public Art Program, we’re excited to be finally installing our Wishing Wands sculptures at Berryessa Creek Park. The latest Wowhaus project consists of three 12′ high sculptures depicting ‘dandelions’ in […]

Conspicuous Skies

Perseus cluster (image by Ken Crawford, Rancho Del Sol Observatory) I do my best to court coincidence, but would not consider myself superstitious. Like anyone, I just find it reassuring when cosmic events complement the task at hand and try to pay attention to patterns as they emerge. ??????? ???????? I did not plan to […]

Post Your Pics and Stories

Dear Friend of Deep Craft, I’m excited to announce that Deep Craft is now able to host user-generated content. I’m asking for your help in building an image archive of all things related to the concept of Deep Craft, ranging from your favorite vernacular architecture to jigs, tools, cooking, machines, materials, design, gardening, artisanry and […]