Wowhaus Haps

Things are heating up at wowhaus as our studio compound shapes up and we take on more projects: MIX, our bicycle-powered composter (see above video) is part of the show Terroir: A Sense of Place curated by Patricia Watts, opening at Art at the Cheese Factory, March 20th- June 21st in Petaluma, CA. Hope to […]

Windsor Longboard Lives

My first Windsor Longboard experimental deck is a head-turner. My friends at Quinn Brothers Board Shop in Sebastopol, CA took to the ‘uber old school’ spirit and helped me rock the deck with super wide trucks and generic wheels; note the ‘rasta’ bolt heads, the board’s only fanfare. After some road testing I plan to […]

Interview with Anthony Bevilacqua

I’m continuing to feature an ongoing series of interviews and studio visits with other makers/artisans/crafters. If you would like to introduce yourself and your work to a growing Deep Craft network, I invite you to visit the PARTICIPATE page of this site. Meanwhile, allow me to introduce you to Anthony Bevilacqua, painter/gilder.

Windsor Longboard Shapes Up

My prototype Windsor Longboard is nearing completion.  I shaped the outer contours with my favorite Italian-made, mini spokeshaves. I have a set of three but use the one pictured above for almost everything- its rockered base allows for the most delicate control. Over the weekend I plan to mount trucks and wheels and test its […]