The Art of Becoming Independent

painting by William Eley of Becoming Independent Communicating by making pictures must be among the oldest, most primal human instincts. For people born with severe developmental disabilities, the realm of art-making sometimes provides the only tangible outlet for the depths of thought and emotion. ???????? ?? ???????? I studied at RISD and the Art Institute […]

Conspicuous Skies

Perseus cluster (image by Ken Crawford, Rancho Del Sol Observatory) I do my best to court coincidence, but would not consider myself superstitious. Like anyone, I just find it reassuring when cosmic events complement the task at hand and try to pay attention to patterns as they emerge. ??????? ???????? I did not plan to […]


Just as clothes suggest a particular attitude or posture, tools lend themselves to a certain stance and reinforce a way of moving. The appropriate outfit complements the set of tools required for a sequence of moves, and ‘craft’ becomes a performance tailored to the task at hand. ????? ?????? ??? ???? I find myself creating […]

The Week in Bloom

The King, or Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) travels over 500 miles into the most remote reaches of Northeastern Oregon, where it spawns in springtime in small tributaries like Hurricane Creek. The hatchlings then return to the ocean, following the creek to the Wallowa River, which joins the Grande Ronde before it converges with the Minam, […]

Post Your Pics and Stories

Dear Friend of Deep Craft, I’m excited to announce that Deep Craft is now able to host user-generated content. I’m asking for your help in building an image archive of all things related to the concept of Deep Craft, ranging from your favorite vernacular architecture to jigs, tools, cooking, machines, materials, design, gardening, artisanry and […]

Apricots and Ponderosa

Looking south over the gorge towards the Seven Devils and the Wallowa Mountains from the tinder dry, high prairie of northeastern Oregon, you’d hardly expect to find apricots and blackberries growing along the banks of the Imnaha as you descend over rocky terrain, past tall stands of Ponderosa pine. Dense pine forests still rim the […]

Bicycle Composter Comes Home

Ene spins the composter above our vegetable garden MIX, our bike-powered compost tumbler, has found a final home on the Wowhaus compound, perched atop what remains of a pool deck, above our vegetable garden. The tumbler quickly breaks down our kitchen scraps, mixed with ashes and sawdust, and dumps the mixture into a garden bed […]