Author Archives: Scott
Learning from Sand Patterns
A section of the texture I’ve been carving into my crane sculpture. I’ve learned a lot from studying sand patterns at the beach over the past few months. I’m always astounded at how such beautiful formations result from the erosive interactions of just a handful of elements- the density of different sands, slope of the […]
Picnic at Willow Creek
Simple ingredients that pack easily and combine well make for an ideal picnic. As much as I love to cook, some of my favorite meals are simple assemblages, preferably packed as a picnic for a day of hiking or paddling. Nothing tastes better than a few simple ingredients carefully chosen to complement the season and […]
Tsuru Progress
I still refer to my original model of Tsuru as the full scale version nears completion. (photo by John Whalen) I’ve been shaping the final contours of my wooden crane sculpture for our Tsuru project in Denver. It’s been an arduous but satisfying exercise carving a form in wood at this scale, mostly because the […]
Fluke Patina
Aiya created a beautiful patina for our Fluke sculpture at Berkeley’s Artworks Foundry Ene and I met with Aiya at Berkeley’s Artworks Foundry to inspect the patina she’s been layering up on our Fluke sculpture before it’s sealed and delivered to Santa Cruz for installation. While the patina will be maintained by the Monterey Bay […]
Scanning the Horizon
The first storms hit after the driest stretch of winter on record. Pounding surf and driving rain have obliterated the intricate sand patterns and frothy backlit lines of foam at my favorite beach, and I find myself scanning the horizon as I hike the shore, wary of sneaker waves but thrilled by the prospect. Projects […]
portion of a diorama of 19th century Calistoga, at Calistoga’s Sharpsteen Museum California place names often have colorful origins and Calistoga is no exception. Founded as a spa resort in the late 19th century by the visionary San Francisco millionaire Samuel Brannan, the name of the town comes from his famous drunken mis-fire, “I’m going […]