Storefront Lab, at 337 Shotwell, San Francisco (screen grab from google maps)
I’m honored my Deep Craft Atelier has been selected to be the lead-off project for Storefront Lab, David Baker and Yosh Asato’s experiment in community engagement, public space and commerce in San Francisco’s Mission District. Beginning July 23rd, I will convert the space to a workshop and weekly retail venue featuring my Deep Deck longboard and other Deep Craft goods now under development. I’ve invited a group of friends to design and make other small products that complement the scope and scale of a pop-up, conceptual ‘board shop’ that will be open to the public on three consecutive Saturdays between July 23 and August 12.
My friends and I will make things collaboratively during weekday working hours, ranging from skate/surf/bike-related goods to clothing, housewares, jewelry and graphics. I’ve invited guest chefs to prepare food for public Saturdays, when we will offer our limited production wares for sale to the public. I’ve also invited several of my artist friends dispersed around the country to produce 2d works that loosely interpret the idea of ‘seascape’ to hang on the walls.
I also plan to host a series of human-powered excursions exploring the Mission and its surroundings on three consecutive Sundays. I’d like to have one on foot, one on skateboards and one on bicycle. If you are interested in leading such an excursion or know someone who may, please leave me a comment or drop me a line at Meanwhile, stay tuned as the project shapes up!
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