the underside of this pallet reminds me of a Mayan city
At some point when making a sculpture or piece of furniture, my job is simply to convey a load to the ground. The perennial challenge is to invent or interpret a structural program that gets the job done but adds something new in the process. para que sirve quanox ivermectina I usually begin by looking to natural forms- to the structural properties of a material, or to the material’s source- the tree in the case of wood. head lice treatment ivermectin But I also find inspiration in engineered forms, like the pallet pictured above, whose underside resembles a Mayan city. comprar ivermectina sem receita The pressed form has me trying to make connections between the mundane task of conveying a load and the magical cosmology of Mesoamerica.
my chair for Becoming Independent conveys a load on two levels both laterally and vertically