Shell Beach, from the Kortum Trail
I thought appreciatively of Bill Kortum as we hiked the section of the California Coastal Trail named in his honor. Bill is an environmentalist of local renown who has been instrumental in protecting the coastline for public use. The late morning fog kept us cool as we made our way from Wrights Beach to the headlands south of the Russian River, stopping at Shell Beach for a picnic and a nap. ivermectin toxicity breeds I noticed these new blooms along the trail:
a Swallowtail in the Paint Brush
The thistle is beginning to blossom
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i miss the pacific coast flowers, indian paintbrush (castilleja), coast buckwheat and not sure what the daisy/aster-like flowers are.. and i think purple/pink ones are a kind of penstemon but really can’t remember (getting rusty which is an appropo term to use out east here with all this rain!)
All lovely!!
Thanks for the ID! I’d love to post a ‘week in bloom’ from your neck of the woods. Just send jpegs saved at 72 dpi, 500 x 375 pixels, and text that puts it in context.