Things are heating up at wowhaus as our studio compound shapes up and we take on more projects:
- MIX, our bicycle-powered composter (see above video) is part of the show Terroir: A Sense of Place curated by Patricia Watts, opening at Art at the Cheese Factory, March 20th- June 21st in Petaluma, CA. Hope to see you there!
- Our Wowhaus Vacation Rental and Studio Retreat will be opening to the public this April. Please come for a visit!
We also have three concurrent public art projects in fabrication, including:
- Oakland Fusion, a four-panel, lenticular mural depicting textile patterns of Oakland’s major ethnic groups, to be installed at Jack London Square in Oakland this spring.
- A menagerie of imaginary bronze creatures to be installed at the newly renovated Sunnyside Conservatory in San Francisco this summer.
- Wishing Wands, three giant steel and crystal ‘dandelions’ to be installed at Berryessa Creek Park in San Jose this summer.
Please stay tuned as I post updates of our progress and installations. We’d love to see you if you want to swing by for a studio visit to see the work in progress!