Ene and I met with Victoria Heifner, on right, founder of Milkfed Press
It’s coming up on three years since I started keeping this weblog and I’ve been seriously considering compiling the best of my entries into a book. The narrative has taken many twists and turns, but some consistent patterns have emerged that I think will be most clearly communicated in traditional book form. In keeping with the Deepcraft ethos I plan to collaborate with Milkfed Press to design and produce a limited edition of hand bound, archival quality books, perhaps leading to an annually published series. It’s kind of thrilling to think of gathering material I’ve produced entirely by digital means that lives only in ‘cyberspace’, and making it into a tangible object.
We kicked off the process by meeting over lunch at Ole’s Waffle Shop with our new friend Victoria Heifner, founder of Alameda-based Milkfed Press, specializing in traditional bookbinding and letterpress printing. We got along even better than I had anticipated and the conversation flowed effortlessly, leading to a strategy for designing and producing the book. The combination of Ole’s excellent coffee, homespun diner fare and energetic lunch crowd made for a productive atmosphere and we agreed to always meet there as the project takes shape. I look forward to our next luncheon meeting and plan to bring source materials to help guide the book’s look and feel. Meanwhile, I’d love to hear from anyone with ideas or suggestions, or perhaps a favorite post or two you care to share.
menu cover at Ole’s Waffle Shop, Alameda, CA
I’ve been looking forward to seeing the publication bloom. This looks like a perfect match. An artifact with tangible haptic qualities.
Sign me up!
Very interesting collaboration with Milkfed Press. Your posts are all so interesting and informative that a compilation of them all would make great reading !